Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

Now that I'm "rising 43" (as my children's school might put it) any motivation to keep in shape is critical.

So I'm competing to raise money for Prostate UK again this year in a series of "rowathlons" organised by DB Max.

Rowathlons are triathlons with the swimming leg replaced by a stint on an indoor rower. I find them satisfying to train for because of the variety in the three elements and the need to build gradually towards an event. So I can train all year to avoid the beer belly and still not get stuck in a rut. Oh, and I can also sit down to watch inane daytime television during the rowing sessions, instead of staring at the black line on the bottom of a pool.

Of course, the events themselves are where the rubber hits the road, and you really get to see the results of all the training (and any missed sessions!).

These are niche events, with 100 to 150 competitors - not some giant crowd - and tend to be run at race circuits or parks to avoid the hassle of traffic (and hills!).

So far, there are three events scheduled for this season:
  • Trybike Mallory Park Rowing Triathlon - May 5th - 2.5k row, 20k cycle, 5k run
  • Castle Combe Rowing Triathlon - August 10th - 3k, 20k, 3k
  • Reading (Green Park) Rowing Triathlon - August 30th - 2.5k, 7k, 2.8k
Why not give one of them a go?

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