Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Ode To London Tree Pollen

Now Spring has sprung,
I am undone
By dim-witted English trees -
They blossom now,
Only t' forget how
To hold-on to their blasted leaves.

Where I come from,
(I am no Pom)
The trees are not so dim -
Being Evergreens,
They keep their leaves
And rein their pollen in.

But be patient please,
While I sneeze and sneeze,
Brief Summer will soon wane -
Then these bloody trees
Will forget their leaves,
And the process will begin again.


  1. Love the tree-pollen poem :-) But maybe you've forgotten the grass pollen back here in Oz :-( Cheers, D

  2. Oh grass pollen is bad, I'll grant you. But olfactorily speaking, from a personal point of view, tree pollen seems like grass pollen on steroids.

    Which raises an important issue, the resolution of which calls for careful, firsthand, fully tax-deductible research.

    Might I enquire as to the approximate period of peak annual grass pollen intensity in the Sydney metropolitan area?

  3. I wasn't aware that tree pollen was more odious, or should I say odeous, than the grass kind. Nor do I have the grass pollen levels in Sydney metro area at my fingertips. On reflection, however, I realise that there must be northern-hemisphere tree pollen down here, due to many introduced European tree species, not to mention pollen on the persons of arrivals from the North. Just another sign(us)of the evils of globalisation, I guess. Cheers, D.
