Friday, 29 July 2011

High Street 2.0: The Mutual Village Shop

Now this is more like it. When the Sarratt Village Shop was put up for sale, the community campaigned to raise enough money to buy it from local family who owned it, "so that it can be run and developed over the long term for the benefit of the wider community." Eighty five households invested in a community interest company - along with the existing owners, who were persuaded to stay on as managers.

David Alexander, who led the campaign, first wrote to the community in February 2010, suggesting they needed to raise £183,000 - an average of £116 for each person in the village. The deal completed on 4 July 2011. Additional working capital will mean a new stock management system and the chance to develop a broader post office offering. There are further opportunities for investment, ideas and other involvement. And clearly it's in the interests of everyone in the village that the shop is supported.

As David's note explained, there are over 150 such shops in the UK. Surely such community initiatives must be high on the list for Mary Queen of Shops?

Looks like a nice spot. I might drop in.

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