Saturday, 16 July 2011

U-turn On Horse-drawn Carriage Ban A Victory For Common Sense

The decision of the Transport Secretary not to phase out horse-drawn vehicles in the UK over the next 7 years has been hailed as a "victory for common sense" by consumer groups.

A spokesperson for said, "Seven out of ten people born before the horseless carriage was invented still enjoy the ceremony of parading through the streets in their horse-drawn vehicle. Transport in the modern era is easy-come-easy-go; the ceremony of carriage-riding gives importance to a journey, and reminds people of an era when the ability to travel was a great deal more scarce, and a great deal more valued."

"In this time of great austerity it is important that we continue to support expensive, outdated travel methods abandoned virtually everywhere else," she added. "Otherwise, we'd have no jobs for stable boys and nothing to put on the roses."

A spokesperson for FaceBoogle said, "What's a carriage?"

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