Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Banks To Repay Cash-ISAs When Teaser Rates Expire?

The government's ISA programme has become a victim of its own success. The Treasury estimates that "around 45%” of UK adults have one or more Individual Savings Accounts. The total amount held is estimated at £400bn, half of which is in either regulated bonds or shares while the other half is held in cash deposits that are being eaten by inflation. 

In 2010, Consumer Focus found that the £158bn which was then held in cash-ISAs was earning an average of only 0.41% interest after initial ‘teaser’ rates expire. They also found that 60 per cent of savers never withdraw money from their account. 

Since then, there has been a campaign to get banks to tell customers when teaser rates expire. But what has been the banks' response?

Meanwhile, the Treasury has also resisted calls to expand the range of assets included in ISAs, which would enable savers to diversify and boost innovation and competition in the retail finance markets, as explained here

The implicit message from the government is that consumers only have themselves to blame if they don't move their savings to get the best deal. But the government can't have it both ways. It can't introduce an artificial tax incentive and then ignore the systemic issues that incentive creates. The government should either take responsibility for the behaviour that is driven by its incentives, and re-design them accordingly. Or it should withdraw the incentives.

So, short of opening up the cash-ISA market to real competition, what more can be done to remind people to switch their ISA cash?

The last straw would be for all cash-ISAs to be term deposits which can only last for the duration of the 'teaser' rate. When that rate expires, the cash would have to be paid into the customer's nominated 'ISA holding account', from which it can be re-allocated as the customer sees fit. 

Maybe this will lead to 60% of ISA cash deposits earning no interest at all. But only then could the government really claim that consumers who don't seek out the best return only have themselves to blame.

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