Thursday, 15 June 2023

The Tories' Love Affair With Boris Is Over... Isn't It?

The UK's Parliamentary Privileges Committee (a majority of which are Tories) has found that Boris Johnson so completely misled Parliament that they do not even want to allow him a former member's pass.

Of course, assuming Parliament votes to endorse the findings and the result, this won't be Johnson's first divorce.

And he quit as a Member of Parliament, anyway, so why does it matter?

Because, like the Terminator and his Orangutanian friend in the US, he'll be back. 

And he has plenty of people he hasn't fucked fans and flunkies lurking to support him despite years of fraudulent electoral promises designed to advance his own career. Sunak fears it too, hence the recent tug-of-war between he and Johnson over the release of ministers' and officials' WhatsApp messages from during the pandemic to Britain's Covid Inquiry; and the more recent round of 'dishonours' that the pair hastily agreed in advance of Johnson himself leaking the Privileges Committee report and resigning as an MP in high dudgeon, claiming that he had been hoisted by his own petard 'ousted'.

Good riddance to the man, I hear you say.

But, sadly, we'll be hearing a lot more from him, whether or not he ever slithers back into public office...

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